Célébrités et leurs histoires inspirantes de perte de poids – Comment ont-ils fait cela ?

Christina Aguilera

The sublime Christina Aguilera became a world star in the late 1990s. The pretty blonde charmed the whole world with her voice and her dream body. The one who has nothing to envy of the greatest divas has seen her figure change shape several times throughout her career. Pregnant with her second child, the superstar had gained several kilos. during pregnancy. Christina had reached 90 kilos and could not accept this situation. With the help of a strict diet, the singer managed to lose extra pounds. We hope he stays in shape!

Susan Boyle

We no longer present the singer who left her mark on an entire generation. Scottish diva, Susan Boyle, surprised everyone when she appeared on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009. She impressed the judges with her voice, while they underestimated her for her looks. Susan has always suffered from weight problems but it was only in 2012 that she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It was the trigger and she decided to change her lifestyle. She explains where her diet is harder to follow: “ I have to stop eating sweets and cakes. It’s my burden .” We hope he stays in shape!

Jennifer Bartoli

Jenifer a toujours séduit son public avec sa voix et ses formes. La brunette est devenue célèbre en remportant la première édition de l’émission Star Academy sur TF1. Au début de sa carrière, elle avait connu une période de surpoids. Jenifer ne voulait pas que sa silhouette soit un frein pour sa carrière de chanteuse. C’est pour cette raison qu’elle a décidé de tout faire pour perdre ses kilos en trop. Quel est son secret ? Un régime strict et de l’exercice lui ont permis très rapidement de perdre 20 kg et de retrouver la forme. On lui souhaite de garder la ligne et de ne pas reprendre ses kilos en trop !

Austin “Chumlee” Russell

Tout le monde est tombé sous le charme de la personnalité déjantée de l’une des stars de la série Pawn Stars. Austin Russell, surnommé Chumlee par ses amis, est un personnage indispensable de l’émission de prêteur sur gage qui se déroule à Las Vegas, aux États-Unis. Au moment de la mort de son père, l’acteur pesait plus de 145 kilos. Un poids qui l’handicapait au quotidien et qui mettait sa santé en danger. Chumlee a donc fait le choix de changer son mode de vie et ses habitudes alimentaires. Grâce à l’aide de sa petite-amie Tanya, il a suivi un entraînement personnalisé qui lui a permis de perdre 34 kilos !

Chaz Bono

Tout le monde connaît Chaz Bono, ancienne femme devenue homme. Il avait décidé de changer de sexe pour des raisons qui lui appartiennent. Le fils de Sonny et Cher souffrait d’embonpoint mais sa participation à l’émission américaine Danse avec les Stars lui a permis de perdre plus de 39 kilos. Pour obtenir ce résultat, la danse seule ne suffisait pas. Chaz a tout simplement suivi un régime très strict. Mais le sien est un peu particulier : il se compose uniquement de viande, de légumes et de noix. Cette méthode lui a permis de perdre les kilos dont il a toujours voulu se débarrasser. On lui souhaite de garder la ligne !

Amel Bent

Everyone fell under the spell of Amel Bent in the 2000s. The one who sold millions of albums throughout her career was never afraid to talk about her weight. Moreover, she addresses the subject in her song My Philosophy where she proudly evokes its “ shapes and curves ”. Although she has always accepted her body, she recently decided to go on a diet to get back in shape. In less than four months, the French song diva lost 17 kilos! What is his solution? Eat healthier and cut out bread, cheese, soda and fast food.

Louane Emera

Louane enjoyed very rapid success. She has become the darling of teenagers who adore her for her voice but also for her acting. But Louane’s life has not been a long, quiet river. The one who lost her parents at a very young age had to fight to achieve her dreams. She wins the show The Voice hands down . Since then, she has enjoyed success on stage and in the cinema. Her figure was never a problem but she wanted to lose the extra pounds to get back in shape. Thanks to her strong mind, she managed to lose more than 10 kg on the scale.


Everyone fell under the spell of the beautiful Shy’m. She became extremely famous thanks to her album My Fantasies. Real name Tamara Marthe, the singer made a sensational entry into the music world. His style is a mix of electro, soul and RNB. She recently posted a photo of herself on Instagram and her fans were worried about her extremely slim figure. But she immediately wanted to reassure everyone. In fact, his weight loss was not voluntary but the consequence of his expedition with adventurer Mike Horn to cross Nepal and Tibet.

Marianne James

Everyone fell under the spell of the sublime singer Marianne James. The singer became extremely famous following her participation in the cult show Nouvelle Star. She was a notable member of the jury between 2004 and 2007. Adored by her fans for her voice, her humor and her outspokenness, she participated in the discovery of new talents. But the singer changed her silhouette during confinement. Marianne lost 5 kg during the pandemic: “ I made 100% of my meals instead of going to restaurants and I ate my famous 14 vegetables and fruits every day. “We hope he stays in shape!

Marilou Berry

Everyone fell under the spell of the sublime actress and director. Marilou Berry, daughter of Josiane Balasko, is known for her talent as an actress but also for her overweight. The French actress has always had difficulty accepting her physique. This excess weight weighs on the young woman who has suffered negative comments throughout her young career. Very motivated to get back in shape, Marilou lost 25 kilos thanks to a drastic diet. The star proudly displays her new figure during her public appearances. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Isabelle Adjani

No one has forgotten Isabelle Adjani’s incredible performance in the cult film The Deadly Summer in 1983. The one who has just celebrated her 66th birthday is still as active on and off the sets. The actress has received numerous awards for her talent but she is also known for her voice. She notably collaborated with Serge Gainsbourg, a true legend of French song. The actress decided to get back in shape by following a detoxifying diet. Isabelle Adjani is also passionate about Asian sciences such as meditation, hypnosis and yoga. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Véronique Genest

The one who has long played a female commissioner on the small screen has entered the hearts of millions of French people. Véronique Genest is adored by her fans for her talent, her humor and her outspokenness. The actress who has just celebrated her 65th birthday is still as active even if she has distanced herself from the world of TV. Véronique Genest was quite round when she started but she lost weight by following a drastic diet. Recently, she managed to lose 36 kilos with the help of acupuncture sessions. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Sophie Favier

Sophie Favier no longer needs to be introduced. The TV presenter has always seduced viewers with her generous shapes. But she recently decided to take on a major challenge with the goal of losing more than 15 kilos in just sixty days. The one who has just celebrated her 58th birthday wants to take on this challenge to get back in shape and her wasp waist. Result ? Mission accomplished. Today less active on TV, the sublime presenter feels better in her body and in her head, relieved of her extra pounds. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Laurence Boccolini

Tout le monde connaît la fantastique Laurence Boccolini, figure emblématique de la télévision française. On a pu la voir à la tête de nombreuses émissions pour le plus grand plaisir de ses fans. Elle a notamment présenté l’émission culte Le maillon faible. Heureuse dans la vie professionnelle, sa vie privée n’a pas été un long fleuve tranquille. Laurence Boccolini a souffert pendant longtemps d’une grave maladie inflammatoire. Pour retrouver la forme, elle a décidé de suivre un régime drastique. Le résultat est bluffant ! Elle affiche sa nouvelle silhouette sur Instagram où elle apparaît amincie. On lui souhaite de garder la ligne et de ne pas reprendre ses kilos en trop !

Kendji Girac

Toutes les filles sont folles du beau Kendji Girac. Avant de devenir le chanteur à succès que l’on connaît, Kendji a évolué dans le monde de la mode en tant que mannequin. Aujourd’hui véritable superstar de la chanson française, il enchaîne les succès grâce à sa voix et à son physique. Mais ses fans ont remarqué que Kendji Girac commençait à prendre de l’embonpoint. Après un moment loin de la scène, le chanteur a annoncé son retour sur Instagram avec son nouvel album Maria Maria. Encensé par tous les critiques, son album n’était pas le seul sujet de discussion. Sa silhouette amincie a surpris ses très nombreux fans.

Jean-François Piège

Tout le monde adore le ton acéré du chef étoilé Jean-François Piège. Le cuisinier multi-étoilé fait partie de ces célébrités qui ont fait un régime pour perdre beaucoup de poids. Après plusieurs mois de privation, le célèbre Jean-François Piège a totalement transformé sa silhouette. Une métamorphose que le juré de Top Chef a voulu dévoiler sur l’antenne d’Europe 1. Il a ainsi détaillé sa méthode pour atteindre son objectif de poids en quelques mois. Pour diminuer son tour de taille, le chef cuisinier a eu recours à des séances d’acupuncture mais aussi à des cours de nutrition. Une réussite incroyable pour Jean-François qui profite de la vie en bonne santé !

Tyra Banks

Tout le monde connaît la sublime Tyra Banks, l’une des plus grandes mannequins de sa génération. Celle qui a souffert d’une blessure à la cheville a réussi néanmoins à perdre 14 kilos. Le top model a réalisé ce miracle grâce à l’aide d’un nutritionniste et en mangeant avec modération. Même si elle est restée très vague sur les détails de son régime et sur les exercices physiques nécessaires, Tyra Banks affirme que le plus important reste l’équilibre. Malgré sa perte de poids incroyable, le mannequin a du mal à résister à la crème glacée. On lui souhaite de garder la ligne et de ne pas reprendre ses kilos en trop !

John Goodman

We all remember the actor John Goodman, a real star of the 80s and 90s. Having become famous thanks to his role in the hit series, Roseann, he is now leading a fight against obesity. The one who has just celebrated his 69th birthday is still as active on and off the sets. Proud of his new figure, he reached his goal weight: “This time I wanted to lose weight slowly, to move, to exercise. I’m getting to the age where I can’t afford to sit still.” To meet this weight challenge, John Goodman had to follow a very strict new diet and return to exercise.

Gabourey Sidibe

Everyone fell under the spell of the sublime Gabourey Sidibe for her role as Precious , in the film of the same name, where she showed off her talent as an actress. The actress conquered all of Hollywood with her performance, to the point of earning an Oscar nomination. She then went on to achieve success in works like American Horror Story and The Big C. The one who was a receptionist before becoming an actress has lost more than 23 kilos thanks to a healthier diet and intensive exercise sessions. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Tom Arnold

Genius actor, producer and comedian, Tom Arnold is at the peak of his career. The American comedian, who had gained weight over the years, decided to get back into shape after the birth of his first child. He managed to lose several dozen kilos by completely changing his diet: fewer carbohydrates and more training sessions in the gym. An intensive program that allowed him to get back into shape with the help of his family. A precious help for those who have always been a little overweight. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Chris Pratt

We often talked about Chris Pratt’s overweight before he joined the Marvel franchise to the delight of his fans. His overweight was even an obstacle for Scott Hatteberg’s role in the film Moneyball . But Chris was not discouraged. He decided to lose a lot of weight to get the leading role. His solution? High-level sports training in the gym. Chris Pratt finally managed to get back into shape by losing more than 14 kilos! Her first act was to send a photo of her new figure to the casting director of Moneyball . We hope he stays in shape!

Zach Galifianakis

He is one of those bearded and plump actors who make headlines around the world with their offbeat humor. Irresistible in all the films in which he participated, Zach Galifianakis became famous thanks to his role in Hangover , a crazy comedy that left its mark on millions of spectators around the world. Even though his weight has never been a problem, the actor recently appeared with a completely new figure. By changing his diet, Zach Galifianakis managed to lose more than 27 kilos! Even though he likes his new body, he doesn’t want to lose more weight and wants to continue to enjoy himself.

Christina Aguilera

The sublime Christina Aguilera became a world star in the late 1990s. The pretty blonde charmed the whole world with her voice and her dream body. The one who has nothing to envy of the greatest divas has seen her figure change shape several times throughout her career. Pregnant with her second child, the superstar had gained several kilos. during pregnancy. Christina had reached 90 kilos and could not accept this situation. With the help of a strict diet, the singer managed to lose extra pounds. We hope he stays in shape!

Janet Jackson

We no longer present the singer with millions of albums sold around the world. Janet Jackson, the sister of the King of Pop, has made a place for herself in the world of music. The one who won multiple awards for her talents in music had retired from the stage for a few years. Reappearing in 2007, the diva was totally unrecognizable! Fans and commentators only saw his extra pounds. To find her dream body, Janet Jackson simply changed her eating habits. More sport and less fast food for incredible results! We hope he stays in line.

Ruben Studdard

We no longer present the brilliant Ruben Studdard, who became world famous thanks to his participation in the reality TV show, Biggest Loser . It was with the help of this show that Ruben, suffering from morbid obesity, lost a lot of weight. The singer and actor weighed almost 210 kilos. Thanks to a drastic diet and daily exercise, the singer lost 52 kilos! Ruben Studdard counts calories and avoids fast food to achieve his goals and stay in shape. Feeling good in his head and in his body, his career is a real success. We hope she stays in shape and doesn’t gain those extra pounds!

Kelly Osbourne

Tout le monde adore la sublime Kelly Osbourne, devenue célèbre en 2002 grâce à l’émission de télé-réalité The Osbournes. Cette émission suivait la famille Osbourne au quotidien, notamment le père de famille, Ozzy Osbourne, chanteur du célèbre groupe de rock Black Sabbath. Depuis cette époque, la jeune fille s’est forgée une carrière médiatique. Questionnée sur ses problèmes de poids, la jeune star a expliqué comment elle avait réussi à faire disparaître ses kilos en trop. Fière de sa nouvelle silhouette, Kelly Osbourne a perdu près de 31 kilos sur plusieurs années pour retrouver son poids de forme. Quelle est sa solution ? Un régime vegan sans viande et produits laitiers.

Keely Shaye Smith

On est tous tombés sous le charme de la sublime Keely Shaye Smith. Celle qui s’est mariée à Pierce Brosnan en 2001 est l’heureuse maman de petits anges mais ses différentes grosses lui ont apporté beaucoup de kilos en trop. À notre grande surprise, elle n’est pas touchée par ce changement de silhouette grâce au soutien indéfectible de son mari. Ancienne journaliste et mannequin, elle a décidé de suivre un régime pour retrouver la forme. La star a perdu près de 45 kilos pour retrouver sa silhouette d’avant grossesse grâce à un régime adapté. On lui souhaite de garder la ligne et de ne pas reprendre ses kilos en trop !

Ronnie Ortiz

Ronnie Ortiz est connu pour ses apparitions dans des émissions de télé-réalité, mais il a débuté aux côtés de son père dans l’immobilier. Après la fin de l’émission, l’acteur s’est laissé aller et a pris énormément de poids en très peu de temps. Mais Ronnie a voulu expliquer les raisons de cette transformation physique. Il s’agit en fait d’un effet secondaire du traitement de ses calculs rénaux. Ronnie a très vite retrouvé la forme et sa silhouette de rêve grâce à un programme sportif intensif. Sa devise ? “Si c’est bon, ne le mange pas.” On lui souhaite de garder la ligne et de ne pas reprendre ses kilos en trop !

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